Location: Houston Ballet Center For Dance
Today we are introducing you to Kelly Myernick Kubin as our BethieLife Woman Crush. Kelly recently retired as one of Houston Ballet’s most esteemed prima ballerinas. She was known for her versatility in that she could perform the most difficult full length ballets as well as jazz and modern. I have had the great pleasure of watching Kelly perform over the years and she always lit up the stage. This Colorado native possesses an ease of style with a flair for retro and casual. Her pics, in clothing from Cheeky Vintage, are gorgeous and we get to see darling daughter Edie. Check out her interview below to find out Kelly’s plans for the future and a few other of her secrets! Welcome Kelly!!
Photography by Josue Salinas
Kelly Myernick Kubin
Where did you grow up?
My family was living in Colorado Springs, CO when I moved here to train at Houston Ballet Academy.
Ballet teacher, guest speaker for Houston Ballet Outreach and Education, mom and former ballerina.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three beauty products would you like to have with you?
Some days I barely use 3 beauty products on the mainland! I’m just gonna go with 3 different flavors of edible Chapstick.
Who or what has been the biggest influence on your personal style?
I have a very casual personal style so I would have to say my mom. She’s always been very natural and I love that about her.
What is your favorite indulgence?
Travel. Maybe it’s not an indulgence. First Class for international travel is definitely an indulgence though and I’m hooked.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
That it’s not such a bad thing to get hurt – physically or emotionally. That advice felt like such a revelation and it was very liberating.
What is your favorite Houston store and/or restaurant?
Catalina Coffee. One of the ballerinas in married to Max the owner and the coffee is delicious.
Pass and Provisions. I went to High School with chef Seth and I think he’s done pretty well for himself!
Oxheart is amazing. My husband made the leather aprons the servers wear and they have always been so good to us and the food is unbelievable.
What’s on your plate? (Future projects, travel plans, etc.)
Well everything in my life is at the beginning which is very exciting. My daughter is one year old so everyday there’s something new to learn. I’m also learning to teach and it’s not easy! Right now I’m trying to figure out what kind of teacher training I’d like to do and how much I’d like to be working. A ballet career is a huge investment of your time and physical energy so it’s been amazing to have a year where I was able to just work part time, be with Edie, and regroup.
How do you spend your down time?
Catching up with friends. At the ballet you are surrounded by friends all day everyday. It’s definitely more of an effort to get time with everyone now.
Tell us one Houston Hidden Gem (places that aren’t necessarily well-known) that you recommend.
I chose to wear all Cheeky Vintage for my shoot because their clothes are so beautiful and they are like my fairy godmothers! The clothes are amazing and the store is so organized and fun!
Tell us three of your favorite shopping/beauty/lifestyle websites.
Remodelista.com for interior design.
My friends have turned me onto Birchbox.com. They send samples of great beauty products every month. I’m not very adventurous with new looks so it’s great for me. It’s like a little beauty xmas every month.
Afar.com for travel.
Tell us three of your health/beauty tips.
Eat what you makes your body feel good. Grab protein when you crave sugar (though not always). Laugh often.
What are three things you can’t live without? (Besides God, family, and friends.)
Humor, music and exercise.
Do you have any irrational fears?
Cats, though I find this to be completely rational. They scratch and bite and are generally terrible! I don’t understand and I never will.
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Ooooooh. Vietnam was probably my most life changing vacation. I also love Point Reyes, California where Kyle and I got married.
If you weren’t in your present occupation, what would you dream of doing?
I was lucky enough to live my dream and I think I would do it all over again.
What books or movies have you loved recently?
New season of Veep is starting! Tina Fey wrote a show called The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt that is hilarious. I recently read a novel called Loteria written by my friend Mario Zambrano. He had an incredibly successful career as a dancer and recently changed course and is a beautiful writer.
Tell us something humorous about yourself.
See question 5.
I too have loved watching Kelly grace the stage. My 5 year old daughter thinks she’s a princess and when we run into Kelly, she talks about it for days. My 13 year old niece in California (an inspiring dancer) reached out to Kelly on Facebook and asked for an interview so that she may write a school essay on a real live ballerina. Kelly graciously participated and made my little cousin’s whole year! She made an A on that paper as well.
My point is, Kelly is just as graceful and beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
Great read!